Echo the combined size of all files

2019-08-13 19:39发布


I have this script which works except for one small problem. Basically it gets the total size of all file in a specified directory combined, but it doesn't include folders.

My directory structure is like...

uploads -> client 01 -> another client -> some other client


Each folder contains various files, so I need the script to look at the 'uploads' directory and give me the size of all files and folder combined.

$total = 0; //Total File Size
//Open the dir w/ opendir();
$filePath = "uploads/" . $_POST["USER_NAME"] . "/";
$d = opendir( $filePath ); //Or use some other path.
    if( $d ) {
while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $d ) ) ) { //Read the file list
   if (is_file($filePath.$file)){
closedir( $d ); //Close the direcory
    echo number_format($total/1048576, 2);
    echo ' MB<br>';
else {
    echo "didn't work";

Any help would be appreciated.


Id use some SPL goodness...

$filePath = "uploads/" . $_POST["USER_NAME"];

$total = 0;
$d = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
  new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($filePath), 

foreach($d as $file){
  $total += $file->getSize();

echo number_format($total/1048576, 2);
echo ' MB<br>';


the simplest way is to setup a recursive function

function getFolderSize($dir)
    $size = 0;
        $files  = scandir($dir);
        foreach($files as $file)
            if($file != '.' && $file != '..')
                if(filetype($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file) == 'dir')
                    $size += getFolderSize($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file);
                    $size += filesize($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file);
    return $size;

EDIT there was a small bug in the code that I've fixed now


find keyword directory inside this : one guy has an awesome function that calculates the size of the directory there.

you might have to go recursive or loop through if the file you read is a directory..

go through


Try this:

exec("du -s $filepath",$a);
$size = (int)$a[0]; // gives the size in 1k blocks

Be sure you validate $_POST["USER_NAME"] though, or you could end up with a nasty security bug. (e.g. $_POST["USER_NAME"] = "; rm -r /*")