I'm trying to make a program that gets two input numbers, multiplies them (storing the result in a variable), divides them (storing the result in another variable) and prints the result.
The issue I'm having is that the first line of code push num1
returns invalid instruction operands
num1 db "Enter a number:"
num2 db "Enter another number:"
buffer1 dd 100 dup(?) ; this is where I store input for num1
buffer2 dd 100 dup(?) ; " " num2
push num1 ; here is where it returns the error
call StdOut ;I want to print num1 but it doesn't get that far.
; later on in my code it does multiplication and division.
push buffer1 ; I push buffer1
call StdIn ; so that I can use it for StdIn
; I repeat this for num2
; I then use those 2 numbers for multiplication and division.
Why is it causing this error?