I have a data frame which I am trying to plot using plotly as multiple line chart.Below is how the dataframe looks like:
Month_considered pct.x pct.y pct
<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Apr-17 79.0 18.4 2.61
2 May-17 78.9 18.1 2.99
3 Jun-17 77.9 18.7 3.42
4 Jul-17 77.6 18.5 3.84
5 Aug-17 78.0 18.3 3.70
6 Sep-17 78.0 18.9 3.16
7 Oct-17 77.6 18.9 3.49
8 Nov-17 77.6 18.4 4.01
9 Dec-17 78.5 18.0 3.46
10 Jan-18 79.3 18.4 2.31
11 2/1/18 78.9 19.6 1.48
When I iterate through to plot multiple lines below is the code used.
colNames <- colnames(delta)
p <-
x = ~ Month_considered,
type = 'scatter',
mode = 'line+markers',
line = list(color = 'rgb(205, 12, 24)', width = 4)
for (trace in colNames) {
p <-
p %>% plotly::add_trace(y = as.formula(paste0("~`", trace, "`")), name = trace)
p %>%
title = "Trend Over Time",
xaxis = list(title = ""),
yaxis = list (title = "Monthly Count of Products Sold")
This is how the output looks like
My question is how to remove trace 0
and month_considered
to remove from the chart even though its not in colnames which I loop through to add the lines.