I have the following feature that I would like to test in cucumber. But, I would like to process the input file only once ( @Given in the below feature ). But, it seems to be executing the @Given step each time. Is it possible to execute this @Given in the following feature only once?
Scenario Outline: File Validation
Given a file is uploaded with name "something.csv"
Then response filename created should not match input filename "something.csv"
And reason for errors should be "<Reason>" with error code "<Error code>" for row with RequestId "<RequestId>"
| RequestId | Error code | Reason |
| 123 | 101 | Failure 1 |
| 124 | 102 | Failure 1; Failure 2 |
I also tried Before and After hooks by removing Given step with no luck.
I also tried before hooks, still it is coming to this loop for each row in the examples.
public void file_is_uploaded() throws Throwable {
String fileName = "something.csv";
public void clear() {
outputFileName = null;
and in the feature file I have something like this:
Scenario Outline: File Validation
Background: Read the uploaded file "something.csv"
Then response filename created should not match input filename "something.csv"
And reason for errors should be "<Reason>" with error code "<Error code>" for row with RequestId "<RequestId>"
| RequestId | Error code | Reason |
| 123 | 101 | Failure 1 |
| 124 | 102 | Failure 1; Failure 2 |