In the following subroutine I would like to pass a string variables named str
. If it is 'poly'
, 'gaus'
, 'slat'
, then it has a predefined action (fval =
see code below ). I would like to have the user specify a function to use and pass that as a string variable.
That is ...
If str = '3*cos(i*t)'
, then i would like to have fval
be equal to 3*cos(i*t)
. How can I get Fortran to interpret the string entered as a command to be executed by Fortran?
subroutine f(fval, i, t, str)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ikind = selected_int_kind(8)
integer, parameter :: dbl = selected_real_kind(15,307)
integer(kind = ikind) :: i
real(kind = dbl) :: fval, t
character str*100
if(str .eq. 'poly') then
fval = t**i
elseif(str .eq. 'slat') then
fval = exp(-i*t)
elseif(str .eq. 'gaus') then
fval = exp(-i*t*t)
fval = ???
end subroutine
you can't. not easily. there are two things you can do, though:
first, you can use function pointers. there's a simple example at - the idea is that you can pass the name of a function defined elsewhere. that may be enough to solve your problem.
you can call a library that parses the string and evaluates the expression. i don't know of anything in fortran, but your fortran compiler may support calling c routines. for gfortran (and maybe others), this looks like it would work - (example fortran code at
Actually, it's really simple
subroutine f(fval, i, t, str)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
end subroutine
The trick is to define the dummy string argument as of "unknown length" BUT with the intent(in)