I'm new to jQuery, and facing a problem while trying to implement autocomplete that returns images (made by a member of the Stack) but with the possibility of choosing various values (Multiple Values). But in my code, the user can only select only one value.
Here's the jsfiddle:
$(function() {
function split( val ) {
return val.split( /,\s*/ );
function extractLast( term ) {
return split( term ).pop();
$( "#tags" )
// don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item
.bind( "keydown", function( event ) {
if ( event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB &&
$( this ).data( "ui-autocomplete" ).menu.active ) {
minLength: 0,
source: function (request, response) {
url: "http://api.stackoverflow.com/1.1/users",
data: {
filter: request.term,
pagesize: 10
jsonp: "jsonp",
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(data) {
response($.map(data.users, function(el, index) {
return {
value: el.display_name,
avatar: "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" +
focus: function() {
// prevent value inserted on focus
return false;
select: function( event, ui ) {
var terms = split( this.value );
// remove the current input
// add the selected item
terms.push( ui.item.value );
// add placeholder to get the comma-and-space at the end
terms.push( "" );
this.value = terms.join( ", " );
return false;
}).data("autocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {
return $("<li />")
.data("item.autocomplete", item)
.append("<a><img src='" + item.avatar + "' />" + item.value + "</a>")