i have a problem with the insert
statement in sqlite. I have an app which get data from remote db (localhost) with an sql adapter and store them into a device. I have created a db into the device which the same schema of the "remote" db. I want to copy all records from remote db to device db but when I run the insert
statement with api cordova storare i get the error could not execute statement due to a constaint failure (19 constraint failed). It is strange.
here the function which create db on device
function createLocalDb(size){
function createDB(tx) {
tx.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS canti (" +
"titolo VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, " +
"autore VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, " +
"id_categoria VARCHAR(50), " +
"testo TEXT," +
tx.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS categorie (" +
"titolo VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, " +
"attiva INTEGER(1) DEFAULT '0')");
function errorCB(err) {
WL.Logger.debug("Error processing SQL on createLocalDb: " + err.message);
function successCB() {
WL.Logger.debug("Database created correctly");
adapter : 'DbConnect',
procedure : 'getCanti',
parameters: []
}, {
onSuccess : success,
onFailure : failure
function success(result){
WL.Logger.debug("Success on invoking getCanti procedure");
function failure(result){
WL.Logger.debug("Failure on invoking getCanti procedure");
adapter : 'DbConnect',
procedure : 'getCategorie',
parameters: []
}, {
onSuccess : success2,
onFailure : failure2
function success2(result){
WL.Logger.debug("Success on invoking getCategorie procedure");
function failure2(result){
WL.Logger.debug("Failure on invoking getCategorie procedure");
var db = window.openDatabase("db_canti", "1.0", "db_canti", size);
db.transaction(createDB, errorCB, successCB);
WL.Logger.debug("Cannot create database with size 0");
and here the two functions to populate the tables:
function populateCanti(item){
var db = window.openDatabase("db_canti", "1.0", "db_canti", size);
db.transaction(populateDB, errorCB, successCB);
function populateDB(tx){
for(var i=0;i<item.invocationResult.resultSet.length;i++){
WL.Logger.debug(i+")Sto inserendo " + item.invocationResult.resultSet[i].titolo + "," + item.invocationResult.resultSet[i].autore + "," + item.invocationResult.resultSet[i].id_categoria);
tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO canti(titolo,autore,id_categoria,testo) " +
"VALUES('"+item.invocationResult.resultSet[i].titolo+"','" +
+item.invocationResult.resultSet[i].autore+"','" +
+item.invocationResult.resultSet[i].id_categoria+"','" +
function successCB(err) {
WL.Logger.debug("Table 'canti' OK");
function errorCB(err) {
WL.Logger.debug("Error processing SQL on populateCanti: " + err.message);
function populateCategorie(item){
var db = window.openDatabase("db_canti", "1.0", "db_canti", size);
db.transaction(populateDB, errorCB, successCB);
function populateDB(tx){
for(var i=0;i<item.invocationResult.resultSet.length;i++){
tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO categorie(titolo,attiva) " +
"VALUES('"+item.invocationResult.resultSet[i].titolo+"','" +
function successCB(err) {
WL.Logger.debug("Table 'categorie' OK");
function errorCB(err) {
WL.Logger.debug("Error processing SQL on populateCategorie: " + err.message);
Also, the table categorie
caught the error but the insert works apparently , because when I see the web storage on browser, there are 19 records in it.