Highcharts v3.01
I'm trying to use a scatter plot to draw points within named categories (these are actually numeric, but out of series and I don't want gaps).
Using line graph types would work, but I'd rather not as I have potentially hundreds of series and scatter points are clearer.
The closest I have come is this:
EDIT - I would post a descriptive image, but apparently I need reputation points. Sigh.
Please see here: http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o63/Harry_Flashman/close_zpsfe6d3ea2.png
This is using points referencing an x and y,
data: [{x:108432,test:100,y:0}, {x:109802,test:100,y:51}, etc. ]
I want to do exactly as above, but without the gaps.
The only way I can see to have a non-linear gap-free axis is with categories, which I've used before on other line-type graphs, but never with a Scatter Plot.
If I use the x-axis type "category" with a category array instead, it only assigns one scatter value to each and the remainder to ascending numeric categories (i.e. it doesn't group them if I use the point "name" option).
xAxis: {
type: category,
categories: ['108432','109802','110240', etc. ]
with datapoints that look like this:
data: [{name:'108432',test:100,y:0}, {name:'109802',test:100,y:51}, etc. ]
Ends up like this. Each scatter point gets its own category.
Any help appreciated, this would be great if I could get it to work.
PS. Added entire chart script (minus large amounts of data) below. This is the "almost works" version.
chart: { type: 'scatter', zoomType: 'xy' },
title: { text: 'Revision vs Runtime Scatter' },
subtitle: { text: 'L3 Performance Test' },
xAxis: {
title: { enabled: true, text: 'Revision' },
startOnTick: true,
endOnTick: true,
showLastLabel: true,
showEmpty: false,
legend: { y: 120, floating: true, backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF' },
labels: { rotation: -90, align: 'right' },
categories: ['101831','101849','101850','101857','101861','101866','101868','101878','101879','101880','101881','101882','101883','101884','101885','101888','101894','101900','101903','101905','101908','101913','101914']
yAxis: { title: { text: 'Variance (%)' } },
legend: { layout: 'vertical' },
plotOptions: {
scatter: {
marker: { radius: 5, states: { hover: { enabled: true, lineColor: 'rgb(100,100,100)' } } },
states: { hover: { marker: { enabled: false } } },
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '<b></b>',
pointFormat: '<b>Test {point.test}</b><br/>r{point.x}<br/>{point.y}% change<br/>{series.name}'
series: [{
name: 'PRd',
data: [{x:101857,test:267,y:0}, {x:101861,test:267,y:-1}, {x:101866,test:267,y:-0}, {x:101868,test:267,y:-1}, {x:101878,test:267,y:-1}, {x:101879,test:267,y:-1}, {x:101880,test:267,y:-0}, {x:101881,test:267,y:-0}, {x:101882,test:267,y:-0}, {x:101883,test:267,y:-0}, {x:101884,test:267,y:-0}, {x:101885,test:267,y:-0}, {x:101888,test:267,y:-0}, {x:101894,test:267,y:-1}, {x:101900,test:267,y:-0}, {x:101903,test:267,y:-0}, {x:101905,test:267,y:-1}, {x:101908,test:267,y:-1}, {x:101913,test:267,y:0}, {x:101914,test:267,y:1}, {x:101831,test:430,y:0}, {x:101849,test:430,y:1}, {x:101850,test:430,y:1}]
}, {
name: 'Non-PRd',
data: [{x:101831,test:100,y:0}, {x:101849,test:100,y:51}, {x:101850,test:100,y:51}, {x:101857,test:100,y:52}, {x:101861,test:100,y:49}, {x:101866,test:100,y:50}, {x:101868,test:100,y:50}, {x:101878,test:100,y:50}, {x:101879,test:100,y:50}, {x:101880,test:100,y:50}, {x:101881,test:100,y:50}, {x:101882,test:100,y:50}, {x:101883,test:100,y:50}, {x:101884,test:100,y:50}, {x:101885,test:100,y:50}, {x:101888,test:100,y:50}, {x:101894,test:100,y:50}, {x:101900,test:100,y:50}, {x:101903,test:100,y:0}, {x:101905,test:100,y:50}, {x:101908,test:100,y:51}, {x:101913,test:100,y:50}, {x:101914,test:100,y:50}, {x:101831,test:10937,y:0}, {x:101849,test:10937,y:2}]