Wikidata sparql query returns 0 result

2019-08-13 05:09发布


I’m new to query languages and linked data so thanks a lot for the help. I also have a similar question about sparql on dbpedia dbpedia sparql query returns 0 result

I would like to look up all the art movements in wikidata with the associated artists (founder/inventor/creator, known for), date start, date end, country. Here is my query:

PREFIX wdno: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>

SELECT ?art ?artLabel ?start ?end ?countryLabel ?influencebyLabel WHERE {
?art wdt:P31 wd:Q968159 ;
   wdt:P571 ?start ;
   wdt:P576 ?end;
   wdt:P17 ?country ;
   wdt:P737 ?influenceby .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

When I run the query only for the artLabel, it shows 300s result but as only a few has start date, when I include the start date, my dataset shrank, and when I include the rest of the search terms, there’s few record that has all information. My question is how can I generate result where the empty cells also get recorded instead of discarded?

Also, what’s the difference between this wikidata result and the dbpedia result?



Answered in the comments...

Ettore Rizza wrote:

You need to add optional clauses for the properties that are not always filled.