What happens when there are multiple architectures

2019-08-13 04:17发布


Suppose one has an entity which has two architectures defined. Those two architectures work with the same entity (obviously) and subsequently the two set the output pins to different values. My question is, how does the program (simulator) determine what the output should be (i.e. which architecture to choose)?

Here is an example:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity Exercise_4 is 
generic (n : integer := 4);
a, b : std_logic_vector (n-1 downto 0);
clk, rst : std_logic;
q, qn : buffer std_logic_vector (n-1 downto 0));

architecture one of Exercise_4  is
process (clk, rst)
    if rst = '0' then 
        q <= (others=>'0');
    elsif (clk' event and clk = '0') then
        q <= a ;
    end if;
end process;

process (clk, rst)
    if rst = '0' then 
        qn <= (others=>'1');
    elsif (clk' event and clk = '0') then
        for i in a'range loop
            qn(i) <= not q(i) ;
        end loop;
    end if;
end process;

architecture two of Exercise_4  is
process (clk,rst)
    if rst = '0' then 
        q <= (others=>'0'); 
        qn <= (others=>'0');
    elsif (clk' event and clk = '0') then
        q <= a;
        qn <= b ;
    end if;
end process;

I did a simulation and saw that q gets the value of a assigned and qn gets the value of b assigned. It seems that the second architecture has been chosen by the compiler I don't understand why the program decided to do so.

Thank you.


If you don't specify yourself which architecture to choose² then the compiler will take "the most recently analyzed architecture body associated with the entity declaration" (assuming the compiler is compliant to the IEEE standard) [1].

² You can select the architecture you prefer e.g. in the component declaration section (where you map the signals) on a higher design level:

entity topentity is 

architecture toparch of topentity is

  -- component instantiation
  component Exercise_4 is
  generic (n : integer := 4);
    a, b : std_logic_vector (n-1 downto 0);
    clk, rst : std_logic;
    q, qn : buffer std_logic_vector (n-1 downto 0));
  end component Exercise_4;


  -- component mapping
  E4: entity work.Exercise_4(one)
  generic map ( .. )
  port( .. );

end architecture toparch;

[1] IEEE Std 1076-2008 7.3.3 Default binding indication, paragraph 4.

Disclaimer: Answer was constructed with the help of the comments above. No copyright infringement intended. ;P