Prolog - Substitute atom with value and evaluate

2019-08-13 00:06发布



Result = 4* (3*x)^3*3,


VarValue = x:2,

How can I get the following output

Value = 2592 ;

if I have to defined the following predicate:


I tried doing the following:

evaluate(Result, Value, VarValue) :- member(VarValue, [x:X]).

and trying to substitute X into the equation.. I could not think of a nice way to go from there.

EDIT: Is there a way to only use the following built-predicates :

 //, /, +, -, ^, *,=..,>, <,
 atom, is_list, functor, arg, integer, number, member, append


I think joel76 solution can be made a bit more compact:

exp_symbols(Symbols, Expr, WithSym) :-
    Expr =.. [F|Args],
    ( memberchk(F:V, Symbols) -> G = V ; G = F ),
    maplist(exp_symbols(Symbols), Args, ArgsSWithSym),
    WithSym =.. [G|ArgsSWithSym].

evaluate(Exp, LstVars, Val) :-
    exp_symbols(LstVars, Exp, NewExp),
    Val is NewExp.


You can use =.. :

evaluate(Exp, LstVars, Val) :-
    analyse(LstVars, Exp, NewExp),
    Val is NewExp.

analyse(LstVars, Term,R) :-
    functor(Term, Term, 0), !,
    (   member(Term : V, LstVars)
    ->  R = V
    ;   R = Term).

analyse(LstVars, Term, V) :-
    functor(Term, Name, _),
    Term =.. [Name | Lst],
    maplist(analyse(LstVars), Lst, LstV),
    V =.. [Name|LstV].

For example :

?- evaluate(4* (3*x)^3*y, [x:2, y:(-3)], L). 
L = -2592.

?- evaluate(4* (3*x)^3*3, [x:2], L). 
L = 2592.

EDIT I remove member(Term:(V), LstVars) -> R = (V) wich is useless.


Here is something to get you started. It supports only addition and subtraction, and no braces. Adding more operations is trivial, adding braces support is more tricky.

evaluate(X, X, _) :- number(X).
evaluate(Var, Val, Var:Val).
evaluate(A-B, Val, VarVal) :-
    evaluate(A, Aval, VarVal),
    evaluate(B, Bval, VarVal),
    Val is Aval - Bval.
evaluate(A+B, Val, VarVal) :-
    evaluate(A, Aval, VarVal),
    evaluate(B, Bval, VarVal),
    Val is Aval + Bval.

Let's try it:

?- evaluate(2+2, Result, x:10).
Result = 4 

?- evaluate(2+x, Result, x:10).
Result = 12 

?- evaluate(2+x-34+x, Result, x:10).
Result = -12 

标签: prolog