I have a working MouseLeftButtonUp binding that I works from the View.cs but that I cannot get working from the Viewmodel.cs
<DataGrid x:Name="PersonDataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
SelectionMode="Single" SelectionUnit ="FullRow" ItemsSource="{Binding Person}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedPerson}"
MouseLeftButtonUp="{Binding PersonDataGrid_CellClicked}" >
private void PersonDataGrid_CellClicked(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (SelectedPerson == null)
this.NavigationService.Navigate(new PersonProfile(SelectedPerson));
PersonDataGrid_CellClicked method will not work from the ViewModel.cs. I've tried reading about Blend System.Windows.Interactivity but have not tried it as I wanted to avoid it while I'm still learning MVVM.
I've tried DependencyProperty and tried RelativeSource binding but could not get PersonDataGrid_CellClicked to navigate to the PersonProfile UserControl.