I'm experimenting with LeNet network as a binary classifier (yes, no). The first and several last layers in the configuration file for testing is the following:
layer {
name: "data"
type: "ImageData"
top: "data"
top: "label"
include {
phase: TEST
transform_param {
scale: 0.00390625
image_data_param {
source: "examples/my_example/test_images_labels.txt"
batch_size: 1
new_height: 128
new_width: 128
layer {
name: "ip2"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "ip1"
top: "ip2"
param {
lr_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
inner_product_param {
num_output: 2
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
layer {
name: "accuracy"
type: "Accuracy"
bottom: "ip2"
bottom: "label"
top: "accuracy"
layer {
name: "loss"
type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
bottom: "ip2"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss"
For testing I've set the batch_size=1, thus I ran testing with the following command:
./build/tools/caffe test -model examples/my_example/lenet_test.prototxt -weights=examples/my_example/lenet_iter_528.caffemodel -iterations 200
My intent is to be able to analyze result for each test image separately. Currently I get the following info for each iteration:
I0310 18:30:21.889688 5952 caffe.cpp:264] Batch 41, accuracy = 1 I0310 18:30:21.889739 5952 caffe.cpp:264] Batch 41, loss = 0.578524
However since I have two outputs in my network, on testing I want to see two separate values for each of the outputs: one for class "0" ("no") and one for class "1" ("yes"). It should be something like that:
Batch 41, class 0 output: 0.755 Batch 41, class 1 output: 0.201
How should I modify the testing configuration file to make it happen?