I'm trying to write a migration and it looks something like this:
class AddStatusToWorks < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
change_table :works do |t|
t.string :status
def self.down
change_table :works do |t|
t.remove :status
Thing is, I want to set different default values for "status" based on a boolean value that's already in the table, "complete." If complete = true, status = "complete." If not, status = "work in progress." (The reason I want a string instead of keeping complete as the boolean is because I want there to be able to be more than two possibilites for status.) Any idea how to do that? Do I just stick an if statement in there like this
change_table :works do |t|
t.string :status
if (:complete == true)
:value => "complete"
:value => "wip"
Er, so that doesn't look quite right. I googled a bit and found that you can set :default values, but that's not quite what I'm going for. Any ideas/help would be lovely. Thanks!