Create JavaScript array (JSON format) for DataTabl

2019-08-12 16:35发布


I'd like to create the following JSON data for DataTables parameter aoColumnDefs:

var aryJSONColTable = [
                        {"sTitle": "Column00", "aTargets": [0]},
                        {"sTitle": "Column01", "aTargets": [1]},
                        {"sTitle": "Column02", "aTargets": [2]},
                        {"sTitle": "Column03", "aTargets": [3]}

Then I will put the variable into my DataTable variable declaration like following:

var oTable = $('#report').dataTable({
                                "aoColumnDefs": aryJSONColTable,
                                "bProcessing": true,
                                "bServerSide": true,
                                "bLengthChange": true,
                                "bFilter": true,
                                "aaSorting": [[ 3, "desc" ]],
                                "sScrollX": "100%",
                                "bScrollCollapse": true,
                                "bJQueryUI": true,
                                "sAjaxSource": "./getDataEA.php"

Based on this useful discussion, I have tried a JavaScript loop to create the JSON data aryJSONColTable as follow:

//create JSON array for aoColumnDefs
var aryColTableChecked = ["column00", "column01", "column02", "column03"];
var aryJSONColTable = [];

for (var i in aryColTableChecked) {
                      "sTitle": aryColTableChecked[i],
                      "aTargets": [i]

I always get value "1" for data "aTargets" from above JavaScript loop, which I wish to get value [running_index_number] for data "aTargets".

Please kindly assist me on this matter. Thank you in advance.


I suggest you change from a loop to a standard for loop because iterating over an array with is "dangerous" in that if you're using a library that adds properties/methods to the Array.prototype then the loop will iterate over those too.

Also, with a the iterator i will be a string, creating "aTargets" : ["0"], and you want it to be a number to create "aTargets" : [0].

var aryColTableChecked = ["column00", "column01", "column02", "column03"];
var aryJSONColTable = [];

for (var i = 0; i <  aryColTableChecked.length; i++) {
                      "sTitle": aryColTableChecked[i],
                      "aTargets": [i]

Seems to work fine:

NOTE: What you're producing is not JSON, it is an array of objects. (JSON is a data-interchange format that is always a string. JSON looks like JS object literal and array literal syntax, but it's not the same thing.)

回答2: is for objects not arrays and aryColTableChecked is an array. You can do it like this:

var arr = [];
var max = 3; // zero based
for (var i = 0, n; i <= max; i++) {
    n = i > 9 ? '' + i : '0' + i; // make sure it has 2 digits
        sTitle: 'Column' + n,
        aTargets: [i] // why array here?            