How to denote 160 bits SHA-1 string as 20 characte

2019-08-12 17:01发布


For an input "hello", SHA-1 returns "aaf4c61ddcc5e8a2dabede0f3b482cd9aea9434d", which are 40 hex outputs. I know 1 byte can denote as 1 character, so the 160 bits output should be able to converted to 20 characters. But when I look up "aa" in an ASCII table, there are no such hex value, and I'm confused about that. How to map 160 bits SHA-1 string as 20 characters in ANSI?


ASCII only has 128 characters (7 bits), while ANSI has 256 (8 bits). As to the ANSI value of hex value AA (decimal 170), the corresponding ANSI character would be ª (see for example here).

Now, you have to keep in mind that a number of both ASCII and ANSI characters (0-31) are non-printable control characters (system bell, null character, etc.), so turning your hash into a readable 20 character string will be not possible in most cases. For instance, your example contains the hex value 0F, which would translate to a shift-in character.