I've had working button with upload plugin. When my application has grown, I've rewritten this button in MVC way (just removed Ext.create, renderTo and added Ext.define) and it stopped working. Button is shown but has no plugin action (os window with file selection, etc.). Could you advice me something please?
Here is working part of code in simple "one file" style:
ObjectPhotosTab = Ext.create('Ext.Panel', {
id : 'ObjectPhotosTab',
items : [
Ext.create('Ext.ux.upload.Button', {
text : 'Select files',
id : 'ObjectPhotosUploadBtn',
SelectedObjectId : 0,
autoRender : true,
hidden : true,
plugins: [{
ptype : 'ux.upload.window',
pluginId: 'pid',
uploader: {
url : MainSiteUrl + 'getimages.php?a=a&Object=',
uploadpath : '/Root/files',
autoStart : true,
max_file_size : '2020mb',
statusQueuedText: 'Ready to upload',
listeners: {
filesadded: function(uploader, files) {
return true;
scope: this
Here is new button which is shown but do nothing:
extend: 'Ext.ux.upload.Button',
text : 'Select files',
id : 'ObjectPhotosUploadBtn',
alias : 'widget.ObjectPhotosUploadBtn',
SelectedObjectId : 0,
autoRender : true,
hidden : false,
plugins: [{
ptype : 'ux.upload.window',
pluginId: 'pid',
uploader: {
url : MainSiteUrl + 'getimages.php?Object=',
uploadpath : '/Root/files',
autoStart : true,
max_file_size : '2020mb',
statusQueuedText: 'Ready to upload',
listeners: {
filesadded: function(uploader, files) {
return true;
scope: this
Button is inserted into panel with Ext.widget('ObjectPhotosUploadBtn') call.
Here is another same unanswered question of me with more code