
LTE signal ASU level always 97

2019-08-12 13:56发布


I am capturing the RSSI values of LTE signals using the below code:

cInfoList = telephony_manager.getAllCellInfo()
for (CellInfo info : cInfoList){
    if (info instanceof CellInfoLte) {
        CellSignalStrengthLte signalstrength_lte = ((CellInfoLte) info).getCellSignalStrength();
        displayAsu.setText(signalstrength_lte.getAsuLevel() + "");
        displayDbm.setText(signalstrength_lte.getDbm() + "");

(*note: I just simplified my code: for-loop doesn't override text fields.)

In one phone (LG G4) I am getting meaningful vales: Asu_level=32, dbm=-108

But in another phone (Samsung Galaxy S6) I am getting invalid values: Asu_level=97, dbm=1022

In Samsung phone's Settings->AboutPhone->Status->SignalStrength I see -107dBm 33 asu (which make sense)

LG G4: Android 5.1, API 22 and Samsung Galaxy S6: Android 5.0.2, API 21

Why does the same code show different behaviors (Asu levels) on different phones?


The S6 appears to put corrupted signal level values in its CellInfoLte objects (and unset levels in its CellInfoCdma objects). https://github.com/Tombarr/Signal-Strength-Detector is an app which uses reflection to dump out a plethora of signal level related data. On my S6, I can see that SignalStrength (which is the parameter to the PhoneStateListener.onSignalStrengthsChanged callback) includes sane looking mCdmaDbm/mLteRsrp values. It's obviously less convenient and presumably more overhead to create a TelephonyManager listener but it looks like that's what it takes on this device :-/