I try to rewrite sass mixin for generation long text-shadow
to less mixin
.long-shadow(@type, @color, @length, @fadeout: true, @skew: false, @direction: right){
@shadow : '';
.if @skew == false or @type == text{
.if @direction == right {@
@for @i from 0 to @length - 1 {
@shadow: @shadow + @i + 'px ' + @i + 'px 0 ' + @color + ',';
.if @direction == left {@
@for @i from 0 to @length - 1 {
@shadow: @shadow + @i * -1 + 'px ' + @i + 'px 0 ' + @color + ',';
.if @fadeout == true{
@for @i from 1 to @length - 1 {
.if @type == text or @skew == false{
.if @direction == right{
@shadow: @shadow + @i + 'px ' + @i + 'px 0 ' + rgba(@color, 1 - @i / @length) + ',';
.if @direction == left{
@shadow: @shadow + @i * -1 + 'px ' + @i + 'px 0 ' + rgba(@color, 1 - @i / @length) + ',';
.if (@type == box) and @skew == true{
.if @direction == right {
@shadow: @shadow + @i + 'px ' + @i + 'px 0 ' + @i * .2 + 'px ' + rgba(@color, 1 - @i / @length) + ',';
.if @direction == left {
@shadow: @shadow + @i * -1 + 'px ' + @i + 'px 0 ' + @i * .2 + 'px ' + rgba(@color, 1 - @i / @length) + ',';
@shadow: @shadow + @length + 'px ' + @length + 'px 0 ' + rgba(@color, 0);
.if @fadeout == false{
.if @skew == true and ( @type == box ){
@for @i from 0 to @length - 1 {
@shadow: @shadow + @i + 'px ' + @i + 'px 0 ' + @i * .1 + 'px ' + @color + ',';
@shadow: @shadow + @length + 'px ' + @length + 'px 0 ' + rgba(0,0,0,0);
@shadow: unquote(@shadow);
.if @type == 'box' {box-shadow: @shadow;}
.if @type == 'text' {text-shadow: @shadow;}
but it doesn't work.
I get an error even at the first line
ParseError: Unrecognised input
in style.less on line 2255, column 13:
2255.long-shadow(@type, @color, @length, @fadeout: 'true', @skew: 'false', @direction: 'right'){
2256 @shadow : '';
Can please someone to help me with it?