Trying to recreate a private message system similar to what Facebooks setup these days. The part im having a problem with is SELECT only newest message from distinct threads order by timestamp.
Here is the closest query I could come up with so far. The problem is the inbox should only return one row for each thread and currently my query returns multiple rows from the same thread:
SELECT m.created_on, m.thread_id, m.message_id, m.created_by, m.body, u.first_name, u.last_name, u.thumb_img
FROM pms_messages AS m, pms_recips AS r, users AS u
WHERE r.uid =19
AND r.status
IN ('A', 'N'
AND r.thread_id = m.thread_id
AND (SELECT max(r.message_id)) = m.message_id
AND m.created_by = u.uid
ORDER BY created_on DESC
Here is a img of my current db setup , im open to changes to my tables if it would simplify my querys and get the job done. Further down is more detailed explanation of my tables/the inbox specs.
To be more specific:
*Messages between any two users occurs on a single , ongoing thread. All messages between any 2 users is just a continuation of one ongoing conversation(thread) Even if both users delete all previous messages between each other any future messages will still occur on the same thread.
*individual messages are tracked by message_id.
*Each thread is only displayed once in the inbox at any given time and will display the most recent msg from the the thread.
*Instead of a inbox and a outbox messages being received and sent will be displayed in the same inbox.
So if im User A and I have a message I havent read yet from user B-20 minutes ago, I responded to a msg user C sent me yesterday- 10 minutes ago and another message from user D - 2 minutes ago my inbox should look like this:
Thread with USER D - displaying msg user D sent me.
Thread with USER C- - displaying msg I sent to user C
Thread with USER B - displaying msg user B sent me
*the threads being displayed will be sorted by most recent - to oldest .