I'm attempting to do a dynamic join in linq. Meaning that I only know at runtime what field the join will occur on.
I've done the following:
var itemParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(E), "obj");
var entityAccess = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(Expression.Parameter(typeof(E), "obj"), typeof(E).GetMember(Field).First());
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(entityAccess, itemParam);
var q = dbSet.Join(context.Acl, lambda, acl => acl.ObjectID, (entity, acl) => new { Entity = entity, ACL = acl });
However this throws at compile time, even though lambda appears to be the right syntax telling me that it cannot convert from LambdaExpression to Expression<System.Func<E, int>>
How do I get it to create the right expression dynamically that uses my field (i.e. property "Field" above in the typeof(E).GetMember(Field).First())