angularjs: dynamic html dependent on json data

2019-08-12 08:21发布


I want to show the content of my json model in a dynamic way, depending on the provided json. I use ng-repeat to loop through my data and want to display a html template to fill with data dependent on the encountered data type.


    "elements": [
            "type": "input-text",
            "desc": "Full Name"
            "type": "input-checkbox",
            "desc": "Accept Terms"

This should result in different html code, appropriate filled with the json content.


<div><label>Full Name</label> <input type="text"></div>
<div><input type="checkbox"> <label>Accept Terms</label></div>

Right now what I do is to use an angularjs directive to create an element and add the json values to the right spot. e.g. element.html('<div><input type="checkbox"> <label>' + scope.item.desc + '</label></div>') That seems like the jquery way (or worse) to do it although I want to do it the 'right' angularjs way.

How can I use a different HTML template filled with content, dependent on the encountered JSON data?

PS: The above example is a simple one, the encountered data is far more complex than switching the position of the label and input field.


All you need to do is set the data on the scope, then use the ng-repeat directive in your HTML to output it:


.controller('MyData', function ($scope) {
    $scope.myModel = {
        elements: [ { desc: .. }, .. ]

You would be using the $http service or some other appropriate method in this controller to populate myModel with data, but in the end the data needs to end up on the $scope object somehow. Then it's the template's job to display that data:

<div ng-controller="MyData">
        <li ng-repeat="element in myModel.elements">
            {{ element.desc }}


A simple solution seems to use ngSwitch with different HTML paths, e.g.:

<div ng-switch="item.type">
    <div ng-switch-when="input-text">
      <div><label>{{item.desc}}</label> <input type="text"></div>
    <div ng-switch-when="input-checkbox">
      <div><input type="checkbox"> <label>{{item.desc}}</label></div>
    <div ng-switch-default>Unknown item.type: {{item.type}}</div>

Seems the approach using an angularjs directive (which I took first) may be a good solution for complex scenarios as "Huy Hoang Pham" points out in his blog post: (thanks!)