How do I convert the following xPath into a jQuery 1.10 selector?
I'd like to use the result to do something like this:
How do I convert the following xPath into a jQuery 1.10 selector?
I'd like to use the result to do something like this:
Well, it's a question of identifying the syntactical differences:
as a parent/child delimiter, while CSS/jQuery selectors use >
xpath = '/html/body/div[4]/div[2]/div/div/div/ul/li[4]',
jq_sel = xpath
.substr(1) //discard first slash
.replace(/\//g, ' > ')
.replace(/\[(\d+)\]/g, function($0, i) { return ':nth-child('+i+')'; });
This would be something like this:
$('html body div:eq(4) div:eq(2) div div div ul li:eq(4)')
Im not sure about divs, maybe it could be like this another one:
$('html body div:eq(4) div:eq(2) div:first div:first div:first ul li:eq(4)')