I want to implement an audit log using triggers which gets fired on created, changed and deleted data to store some values. Those triggers should be able to use user ids which made the changes and which are managed by the web application. I have some ideas on providing this data, but I don't seem to fully understand what the execution context of a trigger is. I've read through the PostgreSQL docs Overview of Trigger Behavior and others but my question doesn't seem to be answered.
What I want to know is the interaction between a client session with one running transaction and the trigger execution and the lifetime of both and how they depend on each other. From my understanding triggers are executed within the database independently from the client session which created the event which lead to trigger execution. Is that correct? That would mean triggers and their processing wouldn't impact performance of the client request and the client can close the session at any time. If both are independent, how would a trigger get notified about a client rolling back a transaction, which would logically mean that no data got changed at all? Or are triggers onyl executed after committing a transaction because they run independently?
Or are triggers executed async within the client session which created the events which lead to trigger execution? This would mean that if the client closes it's session for any reason, the trigger would abort, too. Their changes are directly bound to the clients transaction and can be rolled back, too.
I need to understand the behavior to know what I would like to do in another question.
Thanks for your input!