
Referencing Ractive component's text

2019-08-12 07:18发布


I want to enable a button when two text fields have length > 0: How do I refer to these text fields lengths to express this? Seems simple, but its not obvious to me how to refer to the component's and their text (length). I basically want to use FRP to enable/disable button for form submission. These would be "sibling" components I suppose.


If two-way binding is an option, you could do something along these lines:

<input value='{{foo}}'>
<input value='{{bar}}'>
<button disabled='{{ !foo || !bar }}'>submit</button>

This works because the empty string ('') is falsy in JavaScript, so !foo || !bar is only false when both foo and bar are non-empty.


@Rich Harris: It seems that the problem with the <button disabled="{{ !(''+foo) || !(''+bar) }}">submit</button> trick is that the button is enabled at the start, because both foo and bar are initially undefined and ''+undefined gives the string 'undefined'. The technique also becomes unwieldy if you have several fields with various validation requirements.

As you may know, Angular has a $invalid that you can apply to a form, e.g., <button ng-disabled="myForm.$invalid">submit</button> where myForm is the form's name attribute. In Ractive, I guess one could write an isvalid function and then use <button disabled="{{ !isvalid() }}">submit</button> but that only works for one form (or is there some way to "attach" it to a particular element?).

标签: ractivejs