I have 3 Database
and also 3 tables
- account -> ECPNWEB
- branch -> ECPNDB
- terminal -> ECPNPOS
and the tables having multiple columns
- account (accntid,managedby,account,first,last,....)
- branch(branch_code,company_code,name,distributor,cutoff,....)
- terminal(retail,brand,model,serial,status,....)
All I want to do is to get the specific column.,
my desired output is:
managedby for table account and ECPNWEB database
name for table branch and ECPNDB database
model for table terminal and ECPNPOS database..
Like this
Thanks in advance
is what you need
exec sp_addlinkedserver @server = '*server_name*'
//---replace *server_name* with yours
- it will look like this: e.g.
select * from [server].[database].[schema].[table]
- Check out this link http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190479.aspx
I'm not about it but try this and tell me what is the o/p. For example you can try this way
SELECT firstdb.*, seconddb.*
FROM Server1.Database1.dbo.myTable AS firstdb
INNER JOIN Server2.Database2.dbo.myTable AS seconddb
ON firstdb.id = seconddb.id
EDIT2: try this,not sure this will give u desired result, not tested... replace *column_name* with yours
SELECT account.managedby, branch.name, terminal.model FROM ECPNWEB.dbo.account, ECPNDB.dbo.branch, ECPNPOS.dbo.terminal AS a INNER JOIN account ON account.(column_name)=branch.(column_name) INNER JOIN terminal ON account.(column_name)=terminal.(column_name)