What I want to do is pretty simple, here is a fiddle to illustrate what I would like to achieve: code here:
Basically on data fetch success I want to pass the returned response data object to a dynamically compiled directive, only the data object seems to be undefined not matter what :(
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? thanks a lot!
angular.element(document.getElementById('dirContainer')).append($compile("<my-dynamic-directive name='data.name' data='data'></my-dynamic-directive>")(scope));
use two way = or one way & binding instead of text @ binding
myApp.directive("myDynamicDirective", function () {
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
data: "=",
name: "="
template: "<div class='dynadir'><div>hello {{name}} <-- OK</div>"+
"<div>hello {{data.name}} <-- WTF?</div></div>", // <- undefined why?
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
console.log("The data passed: %O", scope.data); // <- undefined why?