Python has a function urljoin that takes two URLs and concatenates them intelligently. Is there a library that provides a similar function in AS3?
urljoin documentation:
And python example:
>>> urljoin('', '../res/jer.png')
I want to know if there is an implementation of urljoin
function, not the whole urlparse
Some raw code doing what you want, so you can skip all of the bloated libraries:
var urlJoin:Function = function(base:String, relative:String):String
// See if there is already a protocol on this
if (relative.indexOf("://") != -1)
return relative;
// See if this is protocol-relative
if (relative.indexOf("//") == 0)
var protocolIndex:int = base.indexOf("://");
return base.substr(0, protocolIndex+1) + relative;
// We need to split the domain and the path for the remaining options
var protocolIndexEnd:int = base.indexOf("://") + 3;
if (base.indexOf("/", protocolIndexEnd) == -1) // append slash if passed only
base += "/";
var endDomainIndex:int = base.indexOf("/", protocolIndexEnd);
var domain:String = base.substr(0, endDomainIndex);
var path:String = base.substr(endDomainIndex);
if (path.lastIndexOf("/") != path.length-1) // trim off any ending file name
path = path.substr(0, path.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
// See if this is site-absolute
if (relative.indexOf("/") == 0)
return domain + relative;
// See if this is document-relative with ../
while (relative.indexOf("../") == 0)
relative = relative.substr(3);
if (path.length > 1)
var secondToLastSlashIndex:int = path.substr(0, path.length-1).lastIndexOf("/");
path = path.substr(0, secondToLastSlashIndex+1);
// Finally, slap on whatever ending is left
return domain + path + relative;
You can use for example the URI class from as3corelib
// create uri you want to be updated
var newURI:URI=new URI('../res/jer.png')
// update newURI with the full path
newURI.makeAbsoluteURI(new URI(''))
trace(uri.toString()) // will output
// or make an utility function base on it:
function urljoin(url1:string, url2:String):String {
var uri:URI=new URI(url2)
return uri.toString()