I'm wondering how you can get a hyperledger fabric smart contract to read from external API's ?
A service called oraclize (http://www.oraclize.it/) is used to do this operation in Ethereum blockchains - Is there anything similar for hyperledger fabric smart contracts or any workarounds?
In Hyperledger Fabric - smart contracts (the chaincode), could be implemented at the moment with either golang or Java, both of which are Turing complete and provides you with reach set of libraries and frameworks. Among which you can you any network library to get connected with external services, while you need to be extra cautious doing this to make sure your chaincode is deterministic (e.g. two independent executions of the same chaincode calling same external API will get same result back).
Riccardo from Oraclize here.
We are actually working on a Oraclize integration with Hyperledger.