This is a part of my web-flow:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<flow xmlns=""
parent="estatGeneral" start-state="a_cargar_info">
<attribute name="caption" value="consultaDeutesHandler.filAriadna" />
<action-state id="a_cargar_info">
<evaluate expression="consultaDeutesHandler.primeraCarrega(flowRequestContext, usuari)"></evaluate>
<transition on="success" to="v_formulariDeutesInici"/>
<transition on="error" to="error"/>
I would like to insert text from a properties bundle or backing bean into an attribute. I tried this:
<attribute name="caption" value="consultaDeutesHandler.filAriadna" />
where consultaDeutesHandler.filAriadna
is a function that returns a String. Instead of the expected value I just see "consultaDeutesHandler.filAriadna" literally.
Is there a way to set the value of an attribute from a properties bundle?