I have an issue with imap_open
function. It seems that my connection doesn't work on Mac OS X and I don't know why. If I try it on Windows (I am using WAMP), it works as expected without any issues. If I try the exact same code on Mac OS X Mavericks, it seems that I have the following error:
Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open
stream {XXX.co.uk:993/imap/ssl}INBOX in XXX.php on line XXX
The code is a simple connection with imap_open, you can see my code below:
$host = 'XXX.co.uk:993/imap/ssl';
$username = 'XXX';
$password = 'XXX';
$mailbox = '{'.$host.'}INBOX';
imap_open($mailbox , $username , $password);
If that matters, for Mac OS X Mavericks I am using MAMP.
I don't have a clue of why this is happening. Maybe a port blocking from Mac OS X? If this is the problem, can you please help me to solve this issue? How can I for example enable the 993 port for PHP and Mac OS X?