
Looking for Hosted Subversion and Visual Studio pl

2019-08-12 02:19发布


Can anyone recommend a proven combination of a hosted Subversion solution and supported Visual Studio plug-in? I like what wush.net offers as far as a service, and I like VisualSVN as an IDE plug-in, but it doesn't look like wush.net supports access via VisualSVN / TortoiseSVN.

Any suggestions? Thanks!


Wush.NET works fantastic with both TortoiseSVN (Explorer) and AnkhSVN (Visual Studio). I have been very happy with this combo.

They're basically just providing a very clean, simple Subversion access (+Trac), so any standard SVN client should work fine.


I was under the impression that TortoiseSVN was just a GUI that wrappered the same interface that the commandline uses. I would think if it works with the commandline, it should work with Tortoise as well. Not 100% sure on that though.


You should be able to access a repository hosted at wush.net with any Subversion client. They all use the same repository access libraries anyway. TortoiseSVN supports HTTP, HTTPS, SVN, and SVN+SSH for remote repository access.


I've used Beanstalk in the past and enjoyed the experience.


You can also use Indefero, with it you also have webdav access to your subversion repository. This is working really well with people not knowing subversion.


We have been using SpringLoops successfully for over a year now. Our Subversion clients are TortoiseSVN and AnkhSVN. I am sure VisualSVN will work as well but I have not tested it yet.


I know this is an old question but I thought I'd add another item for others looking for the same info.

I've just started using Unfuddle & VisualSVN - 3 weeks in it's been hassle free and that's just on the free account.