I have an app where a user can enter projects into a database. One of the fields allows the user to pick multiple technologies. I want the list of technologies to appear in alphabetical order, because at the moment, they appear in the order they were entered into the database.
Here is my new action in my project controller:
def new
@project = Project.new
@technol = Technol.new(params[:tech])
@all_technols = Technol.all
tech_ids = params[:technols][:id].reject(&:blank?) unless params[:technols].nil?
@project_technol = @project.projecttechnols.build
respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.json { render json: @project }
Here is part of my new view:
<div class="tech" STYLE="text-align: left;">
.split { text-align:left; }
<% for technol in Technol.all %>
<li class="split">
<%= check_box_tag "project[technol_ids][]", technol.id, @project.technols.include?(technol) %>
<%= technol.tech %>
<% end %>
Does anyone have any ideas? I am new to rails so please remember this when trying to answer. Thanks in advance.