i have a problem with my app, it haves a lot of activitys, two of them haves googlemap views. My A activity haves a full mapview and my B activity haves a small map view. OK, when i am on the B activity and press back key somethimes until i return to my A activity, the map of my A activity shows with errors, with a black zone in the down part of the window. THis only happens when i press back from the B activity.
Because this, i need to implement/override onResume() method of A to RESTART THE ACTIVITY TO REPAINT ALL FROM SRATCH.... LIKE TO DO AGAIN ONCREATE METHOD, but i think i can't call it again... or i can?
wich code i have to put to repaint all the window from scratch ?
i tryed with all this:
--> it works a little, repaints the map but with the zoom and showing the last map showed on B activity... no sense :S i dont want that. Are different maps, not have to show the same coordinates and zoom, each one have his own.
--> doesn't works
--> doesn't works
Having multiple maps (MapViews) running in the same process is not adviced. Typically, using the default configuration, all Activities (including MapActivities) run within the same process.
According to the api docs, located here
Only one MapActivity is supported per process. Multiple MapActivities running simultaneously are likely to interfere in unexpected and undesired ways.
Issues I encountered with multiple MapViews within the same process :
- Although it appears that there are 2
different maps in the app, changes in
the first map (ex: moving it to a
certain position, toggling sattelite
view) also got reflected in the
second map, as if it was the same
- On occasion, map tiles were not
getting loaded properly. Portions of
the map, or the complete map remained
- In Logcat, apache http connection pool errors were logged (originating from the TilesProvider)
There is a defect logged here : http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=3756
A solution / workaround is to host your maps in different processes :
<activity android:name=".MapView1" android:process=":MapView1">
<activity android:name=".MapView2" android:process=":MapView2">