I would like to use Thrust's stream compaction functionality (copy_if) for distilling indices of elements from a vector if the elements adhere to a number of constraints. One of these constraints depends on the values of neighboring elements (8 in 2D and 26 in 3D). My question is: how can I obtain the neighbors of an element in Thrust?
The function call operator of the functor for the 'copy_if' basically looks like:
__host__ __device__ bool operator()(float x) {
bool mark = x < 0.0f;
if (mark) {
if (left neighbor of x > 1.0f) return false;
if (right neighbor of x > 1.0f) return false;
if (top neighbor of x > 1.0f) return false;
return mark;
Currently I use a work-around by first launching a CUDA kernel (in which it is easy to access neighbors) to appropriately mark the elements. After that, I pass the marked elements to Thrust's copy_if to distill the indices of the marked elements.
I came across counting_iterator as a sort of substitute for directly using threadIdx and blockIdx to acquire the index of the processed element. I tried the solution below, but when compiling it, it gives me a "/usr/include/cuda/thrust/detail/device/cuda/copy_if.inl(151): Error: Unaligned memory accesses not supported". As far as I know I'm not trying to access memory in an unaligned fashion. Anybody knows what's going on and/or how to fix this?
struct IsEmpty2 {
float* xi;
IsEmpty2(float* pXi) { xi = pXi; }
__host__ __device__ bool operator()(thrust::tuple<float, int> t) {
bool mark = thrust::get<0>(t) < -0.01f;
if (mark) {
int countindex = thrust::get<1>(t);
if (xi[countindex] > 1.01f) return false;
return mark;
thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_tuple(xi, thrust::counting_iterator<int>())),