Has anyone successfully ported Vuforia's 3.x VideoPlayback sample code to run under the new 4.0 libraries?
Ok this wasn't as hard as I thought.
- follow the instructions here to change the C++ library
- remove your libQCAR.a and headers in your build folders and replace it with libVuforia.a and headers
- change your build targets to include arm64 and standard architectures (you'll see it)
- search/replace all instances of ImageTracker with ObjectTarget
- change targetPositiveDimensions from Vec2F to Vec3F
get an app key from Vuforia (on their web site), look for QCAR::setInitParameters, and add a second parameter with that key as a string...
QCAR::setInitParameters(mQCARInitFlags, "my license key");
I have a few lingering issues, but most of it is working. The time needed to start up the tracker is much longer than older versions, AFAICT.