
Is it possible to run js-test-driver tests that us

2019-08-11 09:29发布


I've been trying to use requirejs and js-test-driver along side, and I can't seen to get it working.

I have a minimal configuration like this at the root :

server: http://localhost:9876

 - src/main/resources/web/resources/vendor/requirejs/require.js

 - src/test/js/*.js

A "src/main/js/greeter.js" file defines a silly module :

define(function(require) {

  myapp = {};

  myapp.Greeter = function() {

  myapp.Greeter.prototype.greet = function(name) {
    return "Hello " + name + "!";

  return myapp;

And I'm trying to let require load the greeter module in a "src/test/js/greeterTest.js" :

GreeterTest = TestCase("GreeterTest");

require.configure({ ???? });
require([ "src/main/js/greeter" ], function(myapp) {

  GreeterTest.prototype.testGreet = function() {
    var greeter = new myapp.Greeter();
     assertEquals("Hello World!", greeter.greet("World"));


Whenever I run this, I get an error because myapp is not defined when creating the Greeter.

So is there a way I can configure require in this case ? I tried :

  • setting the baseUrl property to something like file:///.... to give the location of the file
  • using the gateway configuration to proxy the requests that requirejs might do (although I have no server running to serve the js files, so again I had to use file:///)

Is there something else I should try ?



Turns out it is possible, but poorly documented :

  • js-test-driver has a 'serve' settings that lets the test server responds static files
  • once served, the files are available at localhost:42442/test/xxxx (The 'test' prefix is never mentionned, except in a comment low in the doc page).

So this works :

server: http://localhost:9876

  - src/main/resources/web/resources/vendor/requirejs/require.js

  - src/test/js/*.js

  - src/main/js/*.js

And requirejs has to be configured like this :

    baseUrl : "/test/src/main/js"
}, [ "greeter" ], function(myapp) {

    GreeterTest = TestCase("GreeterTest");

    GreeterTest.prototype.testGreet = function() {
        var greeter = new myapp.Greeter();
        assertEquals("Hello World!", greeter.greet("World"));


Notice :

  • the / before the tests
  • the fact that you have to reuse the "src/main/js" part ; I guess that is linked to the fact that my jsTestDriver config is located at the same level as the "src" folder, and it might needs some tweaking if placed otherwise.