Android SDK's on Appcelerator

2019-08-11 10:08发布


I used to have a full working system with Genymotion and tishadow.

I have

  • Reinstalled Studio numerous times
  • Reinstalled Appcelerator numerous times
  • Removed all SDK's from Appcelerator
  • Installed Android Developer SDK's numerous times

I think I have gone through every permutation and still no working development environment. I prefer to use CLI with ST2 rather than Studio as I find it clunky and just a bit heavy of node calls with regular MacOSX beach ball attacks on my screen.

So my main issue still lies with the SDK's. I managed to get a full list of emulators installed and Appcelerator pointing to what would appear to be the right place. See the image below:

I am on the right track no more crashes or hang ups trying to point to the directory. So next step for me was to install Genymotion set up an emulator and then get it to appear in Studio - this is where my confusion begins.

Genymotion installed and emulator set up and titanium config for GenyMotion set to true. No crashes. As I did this my emulators in Studio appeared to just disappear.

So restart of Studio and the emulators now appear again. So my next step is to do a cli build and see what Android emulators are available and to see if we get the same list as on Studio (We should do right as this Studio is just a GUI interface to CLI). Terminal opened, navigate to the directory and then type:

`appc ti build -p android`

The CLI presents me with a list of emulators:

Now I'm completely confused and this is where I think all my problems are coming from. Now if I try to run Genymotion emulator (Number 7 in this list) it goes through the motions but never launches the emulator. I've read that you need the emulator open already but if I do that then the CLI just hangs on with the build command above and does nothing.

Can anyone offer me some light.

Below are some environment settings from the trace.

`Operating System
Name                        = Mac OS X
Version                     = 10.11.2
Architecture                = 64bit
# CPUs                      = 4
Memory                      = 17179869184

Node.js Version             = 0.12.7
npm Version                 = 2.11.3

Titanium CLI
CLI Version                 = 5.0.5

Titanium SDK
SDK Version                 = 5.1.2.GA
SDK Path                    = /Users/<MY_USER_HERE>/Library/Application      Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.1.2.GA
Target Platform             = android`


Are you using Genymotion 2.6? This is not supported yet. You can find a simple workaround in the comments on the related ticket:


You need to configure the Titanium CLI.

appc ti config genymotion.enabled true

Please check the link from more information.