I'm finding that XPages I have, when loaded in Firefox, have an odd quirk that I can't seem to get around. On my XPage, there is a viewPanel, in which one of the columns is defined as such:
<xp:viewColumn styleClass="viewAction" id="View">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="View" id="viewColumnHeader2">
<xp:image url="/imgs/viewBtn.png" id="image2" styleClass="linkImg">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true" refreshMode="complete">
<xp:openPage name="/Inspection.xsp" target="openDocument" documentId="#javascript:InspectionDoc.getDocument().getUniversalID();}">
When I click this link and go to the next page, it loads fine. If I use the Back button in Firefox ONLY, however, and try to click in this link again, nothing happens. It takes about 10-15 seconds for the link to do anything once clicked, and no action is queued until that time. The same goes for other elements on the page, including Links with click events, and a combo box with an on change event, but strangely enough, my dojo dropdown menus work immediately.
Hoping someone else has seen this, or has an idea I can give a shot!
Thanks Aaron Brake 4CTechnologies