Thanks to many discussions in this forum, I found that I should be able to build the application I was planning to do for home usage based on Nitrogen.
So I ran into Nitrogen tutorials, Demo and docs, and start to do some tests based on the self contained inets/nitrogen site. Everything was going well until I wanted to try to access my new website from another PC. Of course I had to tune my box first in order to route wan requests to lan... But after a day searching, reading and testing, I am still stuck...
What I have tested:
- call the website from local host using intranet IP address or localhost: OK
- from local host, access to static pages and different "my_page.erl" path : OK
- access from another PC using lan address : I can catch the ethernet frames using wireshark, but the connexion fails with timeout.
- access from another PC using wan address : I can catch the ethernet frames using wireshark (after address translation), but the connexion fails with timeout.
- access from local PC using wan address : I can catch the ethernet frames out and in using wireshark but the connexion fails with timeout.
- I have put some ?DEBUG macros in my code: but none of them is reached.
- I tried an access to a static file: same behavior.
- I checked using netstat -ap that the process beam.smp is listening the right port: OK
- I checked for a response frame on external PC using smartsniff: no response for both lan and wan accesses.
- I tested different ports and port routing.
I must miss something obvious, is there something to configure in order to make this work? or a test I can do? because I have no more ideas.
- browser firefox 16.0.2 and chromium 21.0.1138 running on windows XP 32
- server running on Ubuntu 12.04
- default nitrogen/inets application (modified port to 8020)
- Erlang 15B02
- nprocreg, 0.2.0
- parsetools, 2.0.7
- common_test, 1.6.2
- mnesia, 4.7.1
- ssl, 5.1
- public_key, 0.16
- compiler, 4.8.2
- xmerl, 1.3.2
- runtime_tools, 1.8.9
- crypto, 2.2
- inets, 5.9.1
- sasl, 2.2.1
- stdlib, 1.18.2
- kernel, 2.15.2