I am using SQL Server 2012 I have the following sample result set. The columns with the Tot Prefix are derived from the columns to the left.
What I am trying to do is partition data for a given date, and a given AssetStyle. Based on this criteria I want to sum profit and sum ACB. I then want to divide the results of these two sums for a total return number. The sample data is below.
ValuationDate CustodianaccountNum AssetStyle AssetClass Profit ACB NetReturn TotProfit TotACB TotReturn
3/31/2007 1111 All Cap US All Cap 2552.55337 1069804.43 0.002386 719511.4487 7859959.87 0.091541364
3/31/2007 2222 All Cap US All Cap 1085.121285 1547961.89 0.000701 719511.4487 7859959.87 0.091541364
3/31/2007 3333 All Cap US All Cap 715873.774 3298000 0.217063 719511.4487 7859959.87 0.091541364
3/31/2007 4444 All Cap US All Cap 0 1944193.55 0 719511.4487 7859959.87 0.091541364
4/30/2007 1111 All Cap US All Cap 1374.387675 554859.78 0.002477 404343.9809 5803741.618 0.069669535
4/30/2007 2222 All Cap US All Cap 8041.548001 1038959.69 0.00774 404343.9809 5803741.618 0.069669535
4/30/2007 3333 All Cap US All Cap -714.739726 554922.1475 -0.001288 404343.9809 5803741.618 0.069669535
4/30/2007 4444 All Cap US All Cap 395642.785 3655000 0.108247 404343.9809 5803741.618 0.069669535
3/31/2008 1111 Alt. Investment Strategies Alternative Investments -6701.16054 1445773.579 -0.004635 -46461.95138 2709953.979 -0.017144923
3/31/2008 2222 Alt. Investment Strategies Alternative Investments -2859.33957 37854.99999 -0.075534 -46461.95138 2709953.979 -0.017144923
3/31/2008 3333 Alt. Investment Strategies Alternative Investments 0 247481.1 0 -46461.95138 2709953.979 -0.017144923
3/31/2008 4444 Alt. Investment Strategies Alternative Investments -36901.45127 978844.3 -0.037699 -46461.95138 2709953.979 -0.017144923
I am attempting to get this result based on the following query.
SUM(Profit) OVER (PARTITION by AssetStyle, ValuationDate) AS TotProfit,
SUM(ACB) OVER (PARTITION by AssetStyle, ValuationDate) AS TotACB
SUM(TotProfit/TotACB) OVER (PARTITION by AssetStyle, ValuationDate) AS TotReturn
FROM data
WHERE Totacb > 1
ORDER BY AssetStyle, ValuationDate
I am getting the expected result for TotProfit and totACB, but I am not getting the correct result for TotReturn. The sample data shows the correct result but I am getting different values that aren't the sum of the data subsets I have indicated in my partition statement.
I am using a CTE because I don't think I can derive a calculation from the two preceding derived sums of profit and ACB.