I am making a simple IPC module for my helper task,
I decided to use NSDistributionNotificationCenter
because of it's simplicity.
However I think that it need to be run in a runloop which I don't have,
So I need to create a RunLoop.
I have read the documentation about RunLoops here https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Multithreading/RunLoopManagement/RunLoopManagement.html
However it is not clear for me, how should I do this RunLoop only for receiving and sending Notifications
Can some1 insight me what my RunLoop
should include ?
Should it include a timer ?
How can I attach the message listener in to this RunLoop
I am sorry if my question is a bit noobish - I never messed manually with runloops before.
I understand that I have to create a thread and assign a runloop to it,
But it is not clear how do I adding observers? should I add any additional things to it ?
Actually it was much easier than I thought
I am answering my own question in case that if someone will struggle with the very same thing in future he may find an answer here or at least a kickstart.
BOOL done = NO;
NSDistributedNotificationCenter * notificator = [NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[notificator addObserver:self selector:@selector(gotObject:) name:@"com.ipc.test" object:nil];
// Add your sources or timers to the run loop and do any other setup.
// Start the run loop but return after each source is handled.
SInt32 result = CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 10, YES);
// If a source explicitly stopped the run loop, or if there are no
// sources or timers, go ahead and exit.
if ((result == kCFRunLoopRunStopped) || (result == kCFRunLoopRunFinished))
done = YES;
// Check for any other exit conditions here and set the
// done variable as needed.
while (!done);
Actually now I found much simpler solution
NSDistributedNotificationCenter * notificator = [NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[notificator addObserver:self selector:@selector(gotObject:) name:@"com.ipc.test" object:nil];