I want to dependency inject an attribute in ASP.NET MVC using Spring.Net, my attribute is something like this (note this is all pseudo code I've just typed in)...
public class InjectedAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
private IBusinessLogic businessLogic;
public InjectedAttribute(IBusinessLogic businessLogic)
this.businessLogic = businessLogic;
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
// do something with the business logic
I'm using a controller factory to create the Controllers which are also injected with various business logic objects. I'm getting the controllers from the IoC container like this...
I'm configuring my Controllers like so passing in the business logic
<object name="MyMVCController" type="MyMVC.MyMVCController, MyMVC">
<constructor-arg index="0" ref="businessLogic" />
Is there a way to configure the injection of the attributes? I don't really want to put this into my attributes...
public class InjectedAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
private IBusinessLogic businessLogic;
public InjectedAttribute(IBusinessLogic businessLogic)
this.businessLogic = ContextRegistry.GetContext().GetObject("businessLogic");