Im using this formula to hide whole HTML table.
function tableExpander(tableId) {
// Our flag to determine if rows are hidden or not
var rowsVisible = localStorage.getItem('rowsVisible-'+tableId),
// Table handler
table = document.getElementById(tableId);
// "rowHidden" not exists in localStorage yet
if (rowsVisible === null) {
rowsVisible = true;
} else {
// localStorage return string
rowsVisible = rowsVisible === 'true' ? true : false;
toggleDisplay(table, rowsVisible ? '' : 'none');
table.getElementsByClassName('toggleBtn')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {
}, false);
function toggleDisplay(tbl) {
var tblRows = table.rows,
mode = rowsVisible ? '' : 'none';
for (i = 0; i < tblRows.length; i++) {
if (tblRows[i].className != "headerRow") {
tblRows[i].style.display = mode;
localStorage.setItem('rowsVisible-'+tableId, rowsVisible);
rowsVisible = !rowsVisible;
How can i modify it to hide only 1 row at a time and change button color to red when hidden? Example here
Demo: (code below)
<tr class='row-1'>
<tr class='row-2'>
<tr class='row-3'>
<!-- This button will toggle all elements with css class "row-1" -->
<a class='btn hide-1' data-hide-element='row-1' data-default-mode='visible'>Toggle row with class "row-1"</a>
<!-- This button will toggle all elements with css class "row-2" -->
<a class='btn hide-2' data-hide-element='row-2' data-default-mode='hidden'>Toggle row with class "row-2"</a>
<!-- This button will toggle all elements with css class "row-3" -->
<!-- if @data-default-mode is not specified it is "visible" -->
<a class='btn hide-3' data-hide-element='row-3'>Toggle row with class "row-3"</a>
* This function toggle (shows/hides) elements and
* remember visibility in browsers localStorage.
* @param {String} buttonsCssClass Buttons css class which will trigger toggle action.
* @return {Void}
function toggleElements(buttonsCssClass) {
var // Our object of flags to determine if elements are hidden or not
elementsVisible = localStorage.getItem('elementsVisible'),
// List of buttons
btns = document.getElementsByClassName(buttonsCssClass);
// "rowHidden" not exists in localStorage yet
if (elementsVisible === null) {
elementsVisible = {};
} else {
// localStorage return string
elementsVisible = JSON.parse(elementsVisible);
// Bind buttons
var i = btns.length,
cls, mode, elements, x, btn;
while (i--) {
btn = btns[i];
cls = btn.getAttribute('data-hide-element');
mode = btn.getAttribute('data-default-mode');
if (typeof elementsVisible[cls] !== 'boolean') {
elementsVisible[cls] = (mode === 'visible' || mode === null) ? true : false;
btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
var _cls = this.getAttribute('data-hide-element');
elementsVisible[_cls] = ! elementsVisible[_cls];
localStorage.setItem('elementsVisible', JSON.stringify(elementsVisible));
toggleDisplay(_cls, elementsVisible[_cls]);
}, false);
toggleDisplay(cls, elementsVisible[cls], true);
function toggleDisplay(cls, visible) {
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName(cls);
x = elements.length;
while (x--) {
elements[x].style.display = visible ? '' : 'none';
// Change color of buttons
var btns = document.querySelectorAll('[data-hide-element="'+cls+'"]'),
i = btns.length;
while (i--) {
btns[i].style.backgroundColor = visible ? 'white' : 'red';