Binding Click events for Dynamically added Table R

2019-08-11 05:49发布


Problem Statement: I have a table with 'thead' created statically, and 'tr/td' inside the 'tbody' created dynamically. What I have to achieve is that when the user clicks anywhere on the table, I need to get the val() of the first column of the row which was clicked.

To test this I am binding a click event using 'on' to the parent element class,i.e., class for 'tbody'. And, I am trying to update the text in the First column 'td:first' of the clicked row, e.g., 'clicked'.

However, somehow the events are not being caught. Here is the extract from the JSfiddle.


<table class="table" id="table-id">
        <tr class="table-header">
            <th class="edit">Edit</th>
            <th class="name">Name</th>
            <th class="status">Status</th>
    <tbody class="table-body" id="table-body-id">


var container = $('.table-body');
['A', 'B'].forEach(function(index){
    $('<tr>', {class: 'table-row', id: 'table-row-id-'+index}).appendTo(container);
    $('<td />', {class: 'edit', id: 'edit-id-'+index, value: index}).appendTo(container);
    $('<td />', {class: 'name', id: 'name-id-'+index, text: 'Mr. '+index}).appendTo(container);
    $('<td />', {class: 'status', id: 'status-'+index, text: 'MSc'}).appendTo(container);


$("#table-body-id").on("click", "tr", function(){

I have looked at plethora of threads on stack-overflow and after that I wrote the above code. One working JS-Fiddle example.

However, it is not working for the code that I have written above. Could somehow please point me out as to why is not working and how to fix it?


Your appends were all messed up. Here is your code corrected/working.

var container = $('.table-body');
//Create an empty container
var $trs = $();
['A', 'B'].forEach(function(index) {
    //Create TR and append TDs to it
    var $tr = $('<tr/>', {class: 'table-row', id: 'table-row-id-'+index});
        $('<td />', {class: 'edit', id: 'edit-id-'+index, value: index}).
        add($('<td />', {class: 'name', id: 'name-id-'+index, text: 'Mr. '+index})).
        add($('<td />', {class: 'status', id: 'status-'+index, text: 'MSc'}))
    //Add each tr to the container
    $trs = $trs.add($tr);

//Append all TRs to the container.

$(".table-body").on('click', 'tr', function() {
    alert( 'Clicked row '+ ($(this).index()+1) );
    //Use .text() as td doesn't have method .val()
    //Empty first time as the td:first has no text until clicked.
    alert( $(this).find('td:first').text() );

A demo


It is not ideal to attach click events through the body, but in some occasions I do this and it works great.

$("body").on("click", "#table-body-id tr", function(){