I'm building a small proof-of-concept app that requires historical stock quotes. The UI in my app allows users to select a date range, and I've been using the YQL console to generate the REST calls to request the historical quote data. YQL calls like this:
select * from yahoo.finance.historicaldata where symbol = "JNJ" and startDate = "2015-01-01" and endDate = "2015-12-11"
work fine, but if I go too far back into time like this:
select * from yahoo.finance.historicaldata where symbol = "JNJ" and startDate = "2013-01-01" and endDate = "2015-12-11"
I get no quotes back and find a warning in the XML that looks like this:
<warning>Too many instructions executed: 50223882</warning>
How far back in time can we query before running into the limit?