I am interested in doing some server-side DOM manipulations for one of projects, so I decided to take a look at node.js, and at jsdom in particular. I'm completely new to node.js, so probably my mistakes are obvious, but never the less i couldn't find solution for my problem anywhere...
First of all i'm running node on Windows locally, and also use online IDE cloud9
It was worth mentioning as i got troubles installing latest jsdom package for node (which is 0.2.15), because a required dependency contextify would not compile under Windows (C++ and Python required, and as I discovered npm does not support building C++ packages). So i took two alternative approaches:
I've installed an older version that does not depend on contextify, that is jsdom@0.2.1. Here is npm list of what i currently have
└─┬ jsdom@0.2.1 ├── cssom@0.2.5 ├── htmlparser@1.7.6 └── request@2.10.0
When i tried to run simple test script taken from jsdom github repo cloud9 returned this warning
The "sys" module is now called "util". It should have a similar
I tried to fix this replacing all the mentions of sys to util, error disappeared... (still not so sure it was right thing to do though...). And so, finally when I tried to run this snippet
var jsdom = require("jsdom"); jsdom.env("http://nodejs.org/dist/", [ 'http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.5.min.js' ], function(errors, window) { console.log("there have been", window.$("a").length, "nodejs releases!"); });
I found out that
window.$ === undefined
. Tried to run with node v0.6.x and node v0.4.x on cloud9 and with node v0.8.7 locally.Another thing i tried to do was to install latest jsdom@0.2.15, get a compiled contextify from over here, install bindings and add it to contextify/node_modules as contextify is dependent on it. I was not able to make it work at all =( Didn't waste much time, as it seems to be a false approach, and contextify is not up to date.
Here's npm list
└─┬ jsdom@0.2.15 ├─┬ contextify@0.1.2 │ └── bindings@1.0.0 ├── cssom@0.2.5 ├── htmlparser@1.7.6 └── request@2.10.0
Also, here's my cloud9 workspace, don't be shy to play around.
Any help appreciated. Maybe there are other better to accomplish what I wanted.