I want my console application to stop and wait for the user to press a key. If there is no keyboard input after a limited time, let us say 2 seconds, execution should resume.
I know that no solution will be portable across all implementations, but are there at least simple solutions?
Some posts like this one or this one deal with similar issues, but they don’t seem to offer an answer to that specific problem.
If I could use ncurses (which I can't), I would do something like this using the getch()
and timeout()
#include <ncurses.h>
int main()
initscr(); // Start curses mode
cbreak(); // Turn off line buffering
timeout(2000); // Wait 2000 ms for user input
while (true) {
addstr("You have 2 sec. to press 'q', otherwise ...\n");
int inKey = getch();
if (inKey == 'q') break;
return 0;