Play reverse routing - getting absolute url

2019-08-10 22:56发布


How can I get the absolute URL in play 2.2 scala when doing the following:

val promoLink = routes.Promotions.promotionsCategory(DOCID, slug)

//routes file

GET /promotions/:DOCID:/slug     controllers.Promotions.promoCat(DOCID, slug)

As it stands I get a "found : play.api.mvc.Call" type mismatch on expecting a string



I suppose your promoLink should be a String containing an URL? Your question sounds a bit unclear.

If so then you probably need this:

val promoLink = routes.Promotions.promotionsCategory(DOCID, slug).absoluteURL(false)(request)

false in the .absoluteURL(false) stands for the isSecure parameter which will give you http or https url.

If you have an implicit request in scope you may omit the last (request) part