I've got a singleton class like this.
class UserInteraction
private CustomerInformation _loginDetails;
private MusicDetails[] _musicFilesDownloaded;
private static volatile UserInteraction _interactionObject = null;
private static object syncRoot = new Object();
private UserInteraction()
public static UserInteraction Instance
if (_interactionObject == null)
lock (syncRoot)
if (_interactionObject == null)
_interactionObject = new UserInteraction();
return _interactionObject;
public CustomerInformation UserInfo
return _loginDetails;
_loginDetails = value;
public MusicDetails[] FilesDownloaded
return _musicFilesDownloaded;
_musicFilesDownloaded= value;
public void PurgeContents()
public void SerializeValues()
I can use the following code to access this singleton class
UserInteraction.Instance.UserInfo.CardData = "";
My questions are as follows
1) As you can see I can read/write into UserInfo structure, that means i can any number of copy of UserInfo. Is this against the laws of SingleTon?
2) If this is against the law of Singleton, how can i prohibit the duplication of UserInfo at the same time assign values into it?